Quote cod'ead="cod'ead"I'm not surprised in the least. If the club could arrange a three (or more)-year sabbatical, as opposed to outright freeing from his contract, it could prove to be of great benefit in the future.
For those who doubt he would want to play in the best competition in the world, give your head a shake. Given the choice, what would you rather have: a beach house on Bondi or a static at Kilnsea?'"
Briscoe will be playing for FC next year, i have no doubt in my mind he could hack the NRL and that there is an interest in him. I just think he still only 21 and has time on his side he can sill wait 3-4 years and then go.
Briscoe is still only young and can/will have a fantastic career (injury permitting) no matter what he does but i think a move to Oz won't come about till later on.
Hopefully he can help FC win something before he hops on a plane