As well as a rep match I think the club could do a past players & fans day. Getting as many old boys especially any still alive who played in the great teams of the 1950s though any player who pulled on the famous black & white jersey would be welcomed and applauded (well almost most, mention no know who you are, cough cough

Some old footage on a massive screen playing in the background and sort some old photos of the past players to get printed off & old games copied onto DVDs for the young uns as well as the oldies to cherish

With a bit of luck & a strong wind we could have some silverware on show which would cap it off for fans to have photos taken with, what about digging out the trophies such as the old old championship, 1st division, John player/Yorkshire cups (not sure where they reside mind)
Shirt wise I'd love to have a match weight double stitched replica of the early to mid 80s Umbro collarless shirt or the 50s one with the massive badge on it.
All in all it should be a massive tribute/celebration for the club & all the players that ever played for us but also something big for the fans too for whom so much is owed and for the oft unwavering support in any kind of weather.
Can't wait now