Quote robbed in 68="robbed in 68"[uMy dad is in his 80's and is probably one of the oldest and longest serving fans the club have. [/uHe has given plenty of radio interviews and normally puts his best suit on when the reporters visit his house!
He is perplexed and confused, not surpisingly, when I try to explain what is going on as it does have a Monty Python/ Brian Rix element to it.
What is true and what is allegedly true?
I am in business but not in a position to sustain a writ from anyone in IVA !!
IVA, CVA, receivership, liquidation, bankrupcy are not in the realm of the average working man.
I am a fan of nearly 50 years and hope it's a chance for a fans view to go on radio, subject to editing of course.
Perhaps it's all a dream and I have been in the shower for 4 years.
Would anyone like to list facts that are repeatable by radio or should I give it a wide berth?'"
He probably remember Cheshire Cat 57 then