Just watching the sky game back after friday, but have to say im getting sick and tired of eddies one man crusade on tomkins where everything is made out to be his fault!!
....The hooters gone, and sam sillily takes a tap rather than going for two, but then bailey and leeds, again upset they have come of second best, decide to try and hurt tomkins.
Rather than condem baileys actions however, eddie takes an opportunity to create a further fallicy as a swipe at tomkins;
“maybe… I don’t know…were not privy to what was said down there obviously…. but maybe…. just a word out of place in the wrong ear….perhaps?”
This is getting beyond a joke with eddie - Does he not realise he has already made a vilian of sam with the booing almost singlehandly with his over dramatisation of the fact that sam 'cheats' by holding on in the tackle!!! What is his agenda with tomkins? Is he that upset because he is so much better than his wire sweatheart richie myler!
Whatever it is something needs to be done. Sams only 'crime' in the last minute was pointing out that leeds were offside and eddie should have been having a go at Bailey for again being a W@nk3r yet has a go at sam!!
As an aside it was nice to see the supposed (if you believe dilluded leeds fans) hardest man in super league being driven back by super pat after the melee broke out just off centre. Hes supposed to be such a hard man yet he gets dominated by a winger, not even a forward. I know the player in question is superman but it is pretty funny seeing the 'hardest man in super league' getting owned!!