Quote Starbug="Starbug"Paul gave the club great service and we did indeed play some good stuff under his managership
I personnally kept him in the job after the loss at Chorley to D Abrams team of ex leythers
In the end it wasn,t just down to Dereck as someone has suggested , it was a unanimous decision by the whole board , Paul was beaten man after the 5th match against Salford [ the 4 th loss after the 1 st draw and then progressively worse results he had nothing left to put into the team
What I can tell you is on the day we had 3 directors flying to the south of France to try to get Alex involved again I was Stood outside Stuart Rapers house [ recently relieved of duty at the pies as his furniture was being loaded into the removals van trying to get him to agree to stay over here for the last 2 months of the season and take us into the play offs
Unfortunatley I was about 2 weeks too late and he was flying back to OZ the day after , if the flights had not been booked and his family already back home he would have been happy to have had a go for us
Hindsight is a wonderful thing , I do recall at the time most fans were more than happy to see the back of Paul , it was probably the hardest decision we had to make as without doubt Paul had talent , sometimes he did have some strange ideas , but a thourghly nice bloke , and good company , it does not surprise me that he has been successful in business as he was an excellent organiser he was basically running the club for a while'"
I think that is a fair enough assessment of him.
Lovely bloke to speak to, but should have got us in SL earlier IMHO.
We had a cracking side, only to blow it !