As this will be my very final post on here, before I join Mr C and retire from the board, I thought I would share one last little (albeit very long winded) story regarding booking on the coach for St.Helens the other morning ! I normally go to away games with family in the car or my friend organises me a lift.
I was sat at home Wednesday and my daughter calls from her office in the centre of Manchester.
Daughter: Hello Dad. How are you, what are you doing for Friday? I will try and get away early and drive you over to St.Helens but I may struggle as we are really busy at work at the moment.
Me: Morning Love, thank you very much but as it happens I am just off out to book myself on the coach. I know how busy you are, do not worry I will be reet.
Daughter; Is your friend not going Friday?
Me: No love, He's been a bit offside of late, but I will be fine, I am a grown man, still have my own teeth and not quite ready for the knackers yard yet, (chuckles)
Daughter: Well I will ring ***** see if they can take you.
Me: (still chuckling) It's fine , you crack on love, I know how busy you are with that firm but don't work to hard.
So I catch the bus in to Leigh , get off at the Bus Station and walk over Leigh Bridge, slowly but surely arriving at LSV ticket window.
Me: Good Morning, I would like to book on the supporters coach for St.Helens please.
Staff: Oh you need to book that at the retail outlet on the market for the coach not here.
Me: Oh? Well last time I booked the coach I got my coach ticket here for Castleford? is young Matthew in, he normally sorts me out?
Staff: No Matt is off Today and that was because it was a SKY TV game
Me: ( Wondering what the difference that makes anyway) Oh I see, well thank you for informing me anyway and it is a lovely day for a stroll back over the bridge after all, enjoy the rest of the day.
Staff: You too.
I thought I will at least take the opportunity to take a look at training whilst I am here , mentally noting the plays and which players were in which positions, imagining the likes of Fages and Smith in the defence from the drill. I thought to myself I will call at Fred Done's on the way back and place a little flutter on us as these are boys are training the house down. Then a cold shudder passed through my bones at the realisation that those are normally the words of a defeated coach in the aftermath of a real drubbing. I then departed back towards Leigh, greeting a few familaiar faces at training as I passed

, stopping at the top of Leigh bridge to take in the ambience of the canal side and to re claim my breath.
A cyclist then passed and shouted ' Don't do it, Labour may still win the election yet' I pondered that possibility of Corbyn and Abbott running our country for a few seconds and found myself nearly with one leg nearly over the bridge at the mere thought but quickly snapped myself back to my senses.
I decided against going into Fred Done's and arrived at the Market stall just before nightfall (slight exaggeration

Me:Good Afternoon Sir, I would like to book on the supporters coach for St.Helens please.
Staff: You are in luck, there is an extra coach that has been laid on, how many seats do you require?
Me: It will be just one Senior Citizen, one trusty flask of hot soup, and one Lancashire cheese sandwich for my half time snap please ... Oh and one match ticket please.
Staff; Oh you can not get match tickets here, I am afraid you need to purchase those from the LSV ticket office?
=#FF0000(Me Thinking inwardly) - Like f*c!%% if you think I am going back down there now or I will be making an evening appointment with Mr Sankey!! )
Me:(Politely) Well You will not believe this I have just... Please excuse me one moment. ( my mobile telephone rings and it's my daughter)
Me: Hello?.
Daughter: Hi Dad, I am finishing at noon on Friday and I will drive us to St.Helens, I am just coming up to the bypass, I will pick up the match tickets from the stadium.
Me: How lovely that you are coming , that will be absolutely splendid dear, wonderful in fact
The point I am making ? Don't we make life over complicated sometimes?..
And that is it, Adios and apologies for the long winded and boring post. Due to long standing issue with the moderating process and utter negativity in that regard, I am calling it a day on here. Some genuinely nice folk on here and it has been a pleasure discussing Leigh RLFC with you. Sadly there are one or two incredilbly sad and bitter people out to cause untold damage to the club on here and I can not be doing with it.
I wish you all good luck for the future, (even Mish) and if you ever see a Gentleman on his own at the match , drinking out of a hot flask or eating a Cheese and Onion Sarnie, please don't be a stranger , please say hello and you never know you may receive some facts instead of scurrilous rumours
Keep the Faith ! The future really is bright !! I truly believe that.