Quote Bets'y Bulls="Bets'y Bulls"No I don't work for the club, just been going about 38 yrs and still plan to support where I can. If you don't want to go, don't f&@king bother then.'"
OK, if it's a 1ng contest I have been going since 1966 which is ever so many years. And I have seen us be mostly ca4p but in those days teams were what they were. I won't be going for several reasons.
1. I am sick of being taken for a ride.
2. I'm sick of getting home from games in a foul mood.
3. I'm sick of supporting the youngsters that we develop only to see them be cherry picked by SL clubs whose (or is it who's) fans then come on here telling us we should be cutting our cloth blah, blah, blah
4. I'm sick of being told it's my fault we are bad because I don't spend enough at the club. (perhaps we should all arrange to have our wages paid to them directly and the club just give us pocket money once a week)
5. I'm sick of the idiots that run the game 'selling' the league sponsorship for a deal that involves painting a some lorries.
6. I'm sick of the idiots that run the game selling long term TV sponsorship at a cut price.
7. I'm sick of being asked to raise £500k in two weeks to avoid going into admin only to be put into admin by two guys involved in another p1ss1ng contest.
8. I'm sick of paying SL prices to watch a team of journeymen that couldn't give a toss whether they get promoted or not.
9. I'm sick of getting within a hair's breadth of safety only to find out that when you turn around looking for support from the owners it's not there.
Think that covers it, but more significantly I watch SL games on TV and say "You know what, I'm not that bothered whether we get back or not.